
 Long ago when there was only one continent, a single piece of land and the rest was sea. This land was called Lemuria.

The Lemurians were very close to animals and were complete savages. They wore animal skin and ate raw meat because fire was unknown. They were the first true human beings and the most primitive of the human species.

There was only one racial color present, the family unit was unknown and just like animals, the women took care of the young wile the men roamed around finding more mates and food along the way.

There was no structure of community life and therefore no organized leadership. Wherever food was abundant, the lemurians stayed to feed and thrive.

They had nothing interesting going on in their purposeless lives and wandered aimlessly like their animal counterparts. The lemurians had no emotions and just had enough memory to hold simple hunting techniques.

As time went on, evolution played its part on the species. Due to their nature of settling in places that had abundant food and easily accessible water holes, small communities started forming around such places of abundance. The primitive peoples also found out that some of the seeds of the fruits they ate grew into similar plants so the earliest form of subsistence agriculture began throwing these seeds near their homes without any soil preparation.

Communities began forming, with a leadership which consisted of those with the strongest physical bodies. This leadership also had the obligation of protecting the weaker members of the group, hence the first form of group responsibility.

They had a single general language but as communities formed in various locations far apart from each other, variations in the general tongue came into existence

Among all the tribes that formed around various parts of lemuria the most organized resided in the position where Africa now is, extending into area now occupied by the Atlantic Ocean.

The civilization in the position of Africa thrived under the leadership of a council of elders, the first from of art emerged as the residents of this section of the race painted the animals they say on the walls of their cave dwellings.

Due to the closeness of this race to the equator and hence the intensity of the sun on their skins, they evolved a darker skin. Those who resided in the cooler hemisphere in the north had their skins lightened from the original neutral brown the race originally had.

Large mammals resided around the earth and increased rapidly in their numbers. Most of the mammals were vegetarians while others were carnivorous. The later posed a threat to the population of lemurians because; the human beings were part of the menu of carnivorous animals.

The population of carnivores became uncontrollably large and since the animals where more powerful and larger than the humans and since the humans had very little means of defending themselves, lemurians were devoured in large quantities.

Mother Nature now intervened, and a large asteroid from outer space plunged into the area that had the largest carnivore population. This was the area now covered by the Pacific Ocean.

The devastation affected both human and animal population and the strength of the impact shattered the single piece of land into multiple parts that we now call continents.

Some members of the lemurian race who survived the catastrophe went into underground caves in fear of another one, while those who where left on the land were separated from other members of their race by the new continents.

The race that had the largest survivors was those that resided in the now Atlantic Ocean and northern part of Africa. Those in the northern part of Africa were the most advanced and had their settlement in the area now covered by the Sahara desert.

Those who settled in the space now covered by the Atlantic Ocean, though primitive and unorganized formed the roots of the civilization of Atlantis.


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