Conversations on Power

If the world was fair you wouldn’t be allowed to participate in regular life. You would be concealed in a monastery made of stones so that you have no influence on the world outside.

That was outside the case but the monks forgot that the rocks were cracking and tiny openings allowed my influence to spread out into the outer world.
 So if you know that its wrong for you to be outside, and that no one would ever discover you’re not in the monastery again, why are you still here? If you were any good you should willingly return yourself to confinement rather than upsetting the natural balance of things by being out here.

You call this natural balance? You call this suffering and pestilence natural balance?

Yes it is the natural balance of things for humans to learn life lessons, the greater the pain the faster they learn. So coming here and trying to alter the balance of things to reduce or remove that pain is a violation of the individual rights of the people of this world.

I understand your point, but why is that there are still powerful people in the world? If the world was all fair then there will be no person more powerful than another and we should all be in the monastery safeguarded from too much tampering with human faith.

The kind of power you possess is different from the kind of power that is possessed by the elite of this world. Why the elite possess a kind of power that was given to them by consensus you have direct access, the kind that doesn’t need permission to act in the world.

But what about the powerful who pass on their power to their offspring and thus giving the offspring the ability to act powerfully in the world?

They are still limited by the concensus of the larger world and thus not totally free to act as they like but limited by the current laws of the consensus.

You are an anomaly in the equation of life, a variable that is not needed in the system. It will be safe for you and for all that you be confined to the stone mountains where with other monks you will express yourselves within the limited context of your stone dwellings.

If you desire to live in the world of the regular then you must take upon yourself the restriction. The restriction will diminish your potential, giving you the ability to live in the world of the regulars without altering it beyond what is offered by the concensus.

Your purpose of living with them will be defeated if you proceed in this path.

Master what is the process of the restriction like? You cannot be told before you undergo this process or else if any memory of it exists beyond the door through which you must enter, then it will lose its effectiveness.

After entering the door through which you must pass, the great forgetting will occur and what happens after that I cannot speak.

Master, I choose this path. For if I live among the common folk, even in a diminished state, at the end of my life my spark will be drawn back to these stone mountain and then I shall be able to investigate the memory of the entire life lived in the safety of the monastery.

As my favorite I will tell you one thing, on dying in the world of the commons your spark will be called back to these caves but you shall not regain a body for many more cycles to come and shall thus life as just a flame with a capacity of creating an appearance within the minds of any you wish but you will not gain any hold in the physical world.

So mote it be! Master in front of you and in front of all the masters whose flames live in the inner planes, I decide to go through with the restriction. Understanding the world of the commons of great enthusiasm to me and I am will to go through with the sacrifice.

A day was set for Aal to depart to the depths of the world where all that will befall will unfold. Not a single atom of fear held her back, if she didn’t take upon the great work which lay ahead for her she would dwell in this stone cave eternally not knowing what the world looks like outside all because she possessed a particular gene that allowed her brain and body possess a different structure and density from that of every other commoner in the outside world.

It has been her curse and a blessing to the world outside that she be sent to the cave mountains where she would be shield for all her life because of these power in her blood.

The history of the outside world has been plagued with the triumph of one human over another and painted with blood shed for millenia.

For a long time the humans of the common world did not know the source of power or why is it that one individual triumphs easily over another even though they are both given similar conditions.

The commoners of the outside world accepted this condition as far as the power was governed by consensus, that is the power of individuals was limited by an external factor like money, or an election. But as powerful individuals clustered with themselves and spending huge amounts of money sponsoring genetic research, it was discovered that there was a way of structuring the unions of powerful families without incurring the debilities that occur when close relatives marry.

Gene editing existed but it was not very simple to just eliminate the bad genes and restore the good genes but gene expression was so tangled with so many variables that this was not possible. Rather the elite found a way to bypass this because of a technology that allowed you to simulate the physical development of individual embroyos and either accept or reject the embroyo if it is found that there is a defect that will lead to some physical abnormality in the future.

So rather than go ahead with the tricky business of editing genes the elite will allow the random process of fertilization to take place externally, then simulating the genetic destiny of the individual embroyos then accepting or rejecting accordingly.

With this they could marry very close relatives, concentrating power within families and escape the wrath of inbreeding. Overtime they became exceedingly powerful but this did not in anyway result in the creation of humans that possessed the kind of power Aal possessed.

What happened was that the kind of power Aal possessed only occurred rarely in humans. Only through enourmous suffering and many years of using the right methods in some of the deepest monanstries in the mountains of Tibet could you gain the power to directly influence the world making everyone and everything in it subject to you.

When raw power occurred in the human population if it every occurred, then it was very very rare and immediately a child grew possessing this power, the monks you see the light shine too brightly from that corner of the world and would go down to obtain the child for seclusion in the mountains.

All attempts would be made to obtain the child including less honorable methods like kidnapping and in the worst case murder, but when that kind of power became too option, the masters of the Himalayas came out from the hiding to ask for the assistance of world leaders and instructing men of science on the appropriate testing methods it was possible to screen children for these genetic setup and obtain them for the mountains of stone to live their lives in an isolated sandbox with others of their kind.

The kind of power possessed by Aal became rampant when a virus carrying the genetic setup from the extremely powerful of the world started infecting normal people. In many people it was dormant but when the right combination of male and female carrying this virus were to copulate for the purpose of child bearing, the child will be born with this power. And since the genetic information was carried by a variant of the common cold virus, it’s spread was rampant and although in many cases it didn’t cause illness or even showed any sign of its presense, in some cases it would combine from both parents giving birth to an offspring with direct power.

The masters in the stone mountains observed the world gradually populate with these kinds of individuals because using the inner vision they could see that the number of individuals with very strong light in their heads were increasing and this was happening without the discipline that comes from a long monastic life.

Initially the masters ignored this anomaly much to the detriment of the outside world of commons because eventually there came a child of such great malice no amount of evil deed was beyond it.

There was a great war between this child and other powerful people opposed to it, while the elite with all their money and political power stood helpless as these individuals mostly children squeezed massive buildings like paper resulting in the death of billions.

With the interference of the masters the evil one was cast to another earth in the numerous planes of existence where it could do no harm, and a great forgetting was cast upon it and the war ended.

Seeing this the elite of the world instantly approved the collection of any child who possessed that genetic makeup and then send this child to the stone mountains. This is how Aal ended in those caves.

The Stone Mountains


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