The Moon People

Millions of years ago, the earth and moon were twin entities which revolved around each other and were bonded by seven invisible cords.

These cords provided the moon and earth with a medium for sharing seven basic substances between themselves.

The earth possessed four of these substances while the moon possessed three.

As far as they shared these life fluids, as they were called, life would continue perpetually on both spheres.

The entities that existed on both the moon and earth then were far different from anything that exists now or is known in any from of human history.

They were vapor-like ghostly shapes with a facial structure for identity and the rest just a formless flowing thing, whose only difference from the surroundings was the presence of may swirling colors similar to soap bubbles.

Vegetation on earth was green while that on the moon was blue. The inhabitants of the earth and moon shared the same language and there was steady movement between both spheres, of people.

The major difference between both races was in the dominance of a particular hue in their ghostly bodies. Earthlings were mostly green, while people of the moon were mostly blue, a kind of camouflage that enabled them blend with their respective vegetations.

Harmony persisted between these civilizations until those of the moon, due to selfishness decided to stop the flow of the three essential fluids which they shared with the earth.

This act was done by the leadership of the moon headed by an exiled traitor from the planet Mars. Only the elites of the Moon race knew about the Invisible cords and how to control the flow.

The traitor from mars convinced the supreme council about the fact that the cords depleted their own life and that if severed would make them denser. Since a denser and more definite form was the goal of their evolution. Unknown to them, the presence of the cord and the regular exchange of life fluids between the two planets fostered equilibrium between them.

The magicians of the moon proceeded to use an ancient spell, forbidden of usage to severe the cords and retract the flow of the fluid back to the moon.

After this the moon immediately started moving away from the earth at a very fast rate while the earth remained fixed. As it moved away, it lost its surface matter, vegetation and people to friction as the air peeled away everything.

Members of the moon race were pulverized in their millions, until the entire surface was completely scraped off.

After the moon had moved far away from the earth it stopped. The size was also reduced by almost half and it settled in its position to be a mere reflector of light from the sun.

Some members of the moon race who were on earth at the time of the catastrophe remained and continued their evolution. With time, they blended with members of the earth race. It was not until another 10 million years and two root races past, the adamic and hyperborean, did the first dense, definitely shaped race of earthlings appeared. They were the first human-like earthly inhabitants to be called human beings; they were the residents of lemuria, the third root race.


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