The superior race called themselves the Annun-aki, or children of Annun. They deemed themselves as superior to those they called the inferior or officially as savages. Due to the fact that they had inherited technology from their forefather, who worked independently as a scientist until he was given the light of knowledge from the planet Ibiza in the Andromeda galaxy, and thus used this technology to develop his select race way above the outcast or inferiors to a very high level, diverging from the general race of Nibiru. 
Using their knowledge of genetics they changed their racial complexion from the general orange skin black hair of all people of Nibiru to golden coloured skin and hair, this trick was done by integrating a lot more gold into their biology thus they assimilated liquid gold through their skin in their gold baths, this remained for about a year before they required another immersion just like you would require regular meals to keep your body regenerating.

They had also overcome the use of biological food as they were taught how to absorb the magnetic energy of the sun via sun gazing. This enabled them to live on only the energy of their sun. So the only other nourishment they needed was their gold bath to rejuvenate the gold of their skin. They shimmered glitteringly when exposed to the sun. 

Due to the fact that they stopped consuming food with their mouths, their stomach and internal organs atrophied, each organ eventually becoming a crystalline except for their skin which still amorphous like latex. This skin could be hardened to several times its normal strength when the situation required it, like in a war situation. Although there was one race Nibiru before the war after the war the races separated into superiors and inferiors, and the superiors, those who were loyal to Annun, the Annun-aki modified their complexion to gold.

The superiors coded the secrets behind their technology by creating a special language which was not know to any other race and wrote huge volumes of technological information in it, so that others on their planet could not decipher. This safe guarded their technology and ensured that the inferior races that were scattered throughout the planet after the ware would never have access to it. This ensured their safety for some time to come. Their technology used magnetism as its main conductor of power so they got this magnetic charge from their two suns. The yellow sun was positive while the red sun was negative. It required a full day to charge a new device after which it retained its charge for a very long time.

Goki’s wife Ashima was Annun-aki, she had been kidnapped by Goki during the Great war and hidden in a cave high on a remote mountain. She was to be used as bargaining chip, in case the Annun-aki held any Arturians as POW, but after the treaty was sealed he brought her home to be his wife, because in her captivity he had fallen in love with her. Many Arturians who were bitter about their losses in the war could not accept the fact that Goki was mixing up with the enemy, but the chief of their clan agreed with Goki’s decision as he saw that their child would be a symbol of peace for their whole planet, the first cross-breed in a very long and bitter history of racism.


In the time of the father Annun, there was peace across the whole planet of Nibiru. There was only one race and no division whatsoever. The father Annun one of the oldest of all the people on his planet was appointed chancellor over all. This was not a political appointment but was one of respect. Families consulted with him on all matters from health to how to organize farming in the community. He was known as the great father of all. The people all lived a very simple peasant lifestyle with farming as their major preoccupation. There were many species of plants and animals that roamed the planet freely and its rivers were plentiful with sea creatures.

They were primarily vegetarians and never even imagined the possibility of eating flesh because the animals were seen as a race of their own and they could communicate freely with them. They saw the animals as their peers and never harmed them or were harmed by them.

Annun had been experimenting on several plants during his usual search for new plants with curative effects. As it was known in the old legend, the sowers of the seed who created their planet did not create any poisonous specie, so he was very sure that none of their plants were poisonous. He carefully documented the effect of all plant species he discovered, of which there were numerous, forming what he called the book of medicine and food as he called it. He discovered some psychoactive plants in his search which he called ‘happy foods’. They also found a use for these happy foods in a communal way during their several festivals. But one day he found one particular herb whose properties did not fit into either a curative or a happy food. This one made him see visions. He concealed his discovery pending further investigation. The funny thing about these visions was that they were real and he could actually interact with the environment that he would be immersed in. This was fantastic for him and he became addicted to this new herb.

After plucking the herb from a location he found it in, he would take it home, pound it in his mortar as usual and ingest it, soon after a whole new environment would appear before him. This was more than just a hallucination because the environments he saw were real and he could actually use his normal senses in them. In fact, he would remain in this state until the dosage wore out.

Being the scientific man that he was, he started reducing the dosage to see the most effective, the one which would kick start the whole show and maybe offer some level of control. He found out that at very minor doses, his reality was not completely torn apart as he could see the drug induced reality and the present intertwined together. This gave him a huge clue as to the functioning of this herb and he went ahead to experiment further. He went ahead to try to use his will to control what he would like to see but it was to no avail, and then he discovered that simply wishing to see some kind of things would have it immediately revealed to him. This made him burst with excitement. 

Old questions that had battled his mind would have their answers revealed in a matter of moments. The effects of several herbs would be shown to him in visions and even locations for new herbs. This was a very exciting discovery for him, he went ahead to name the herb ‘prophetic’ because, it was his personal prophet. As per disclosure to the public, he exercised caution. Other hallucinogens enabled you to see varied images without any control over them whatsoever; this was the fun in it all. You also could not in anyway influence or interact with the environment you observed and it only remained as an image. 

There was nothing intelligible about these images as they were just the product of several chemicals playing around in your brain. But this one was different you could fully interact intelligently with your new environment. His wife Kishen was observing her husband’s behaviour and noticed that he had been strange lately. Discovery of new herbs seemed to accelerate beyond normal and he had this constant glow over his face. She could no longer bear her suspicion of whether he had met with a female spirit who had sold him inspiration for his heart so she proceeded to question him.

At first reluctant to tell her anything, he proceeded to explain his entire experiences for the past few moons. She was so happy her suspicion had not come true, but what excited her most was his discovery. He was just interested in using his new found resource to advance his career and make the entire race happier and healthier. But she saw more to it than he could ever have imagined.

One faithful night, while he was toiling away excitedly in his lab, a small room deep beneath their house, she came in to see what he was doing. Very excited about the interest she show he quickly engaged her in a small lecture about what his current investigations were about. She carefully listened to him, patiently waiting for him to exhaust his eagerness before she interrupted. After he had finished expressing his stream of thoughts in speech, she proceeded to reveal her own thoughts about this new herb. This was the moment that changed the destiny of the entire planet.

They people of Nibiru had never seriously contemplated what lay beyond their skies. In their legends all they knew was that the sowers of the seed created their planet, with every thing in it and disappeared after their planet settled. They just knew that the moons and their suns were out there and it wasn’t necessary to find out if any other thing was there or lay further. Kishen encouraged him to take higher doses and ask bigger questions. When he asked her of the type of questions she was considering as big, she proceeded to put him in a riddle so he could discover it or them for himself. 

He curiously asked if there were several big questions or just one, of which she aided by saying all the questions he wanted to asked should be compressed into a single powerful question that would change everything. Change everything? He contemplated for a while then proceeded to narrow down his interrogation. “Should the question be about something below on the ground or above in the sky?” she proceeded to let him know that it was what tickled his curiosity most and it can be anywhere. In a moment of revelation, he knew the question. It was nothing about the ground below, neither was it about the large heavenly bodies that beautified the night sky. Deep in the recesses of his mind he had received certain thoughts, thoughts that were too hopeless to contemplate, thoughts that had haunted him in his private fantasies. What lay beyond the beautiful suns and moons? What lived in the stars?

No one else knew what had been going on in Annun’s life lately, because as far as they knew he was giving them his usual services but from time to time he was quite scarce as he told everyone that he was doing some serious research and thus would see very few people from time to time. He had an assistant who could prescribe medication based on symptoms and references made from the book of medicine and food; at least this reduced some of the extra workload.

On a beautiful night when all the moons were high in the sky, a very special night indeed because this happened once a year, he made love passionately to his wife. It had been several moons and they had not seen each other in bed because he was working harder than ever on finding the right dose that would enclose his reality completely, while also practicing how he could synchronize his visions with his wife’s since she had joined him earnestly in the research. She was motivated by the question he had formulated and knew that he would find the answer and was very curious abou this matter. He too wanted her to experience this unique revelation with him; so they worked tirelessly in perfecting their concentrations skills and synchronizing their visions. 

After some period of practice they had both become very proficient and except for some pending questions like what if they overstepped their boundaries and got locked up in a new reality how would they come back? Apart from this every other thing was moving swiftly. After they made love they talked about their quest, for nothing else ruled their lives this days, and being as yet childless they could spend all their time in this contemplations and practices. 

After discussing for a while, their nerves ran rampant, the beauty of the possibilities that lay ahead could no longer be withheld from them, and Annun jumped out of bed excited, “what are we waiting for? He asked. “We promised that we needed more practice on this matter” Kishen answered. He pulled her out of bed lovingly as she giggled, her body barely covered by silken sheets. “Lets go take what is ours” he said as he rushed with her out of the bedroom and then down the stairs to the lab below. He entered the lab below and left the hand of his wife while he rushed towards a cupboard, a special cupboard where he locked up the herb. 

He frantically searched his pockets for the key but realized that it was not with him so he checked above the dusty shelves that laced the walls of the lab, and aha he found it. With so much excitement he proceeded to open it safe cupboard, hands shaky he could not penetrate the key hole easily. So after a few moments of groping around the entrance to the keyhole, he made his way in. unlocking it, he saw his precious. All this while his wife was behind him watching carefully as he made his frantic efforts. This was an airtight safe specially built to preserve herbs with their essence intact.

He took about half the amount that was present in the storage, holding it in one hand he proceeded to shut the safe. After that he turned around and headed towards a table where he pounded his herbs, Kishen followed afterwards behind him. The both sat down on long benches that lay on the opposite sides of each table. He used a piece of cloth lying around on the table to clean it before he dropped the herbal content of his hand on it. “Please help me so we pick the leaves out of the stems” he told his wife. And they both quickly but carefully picked the leaves one by one from the stems. 

As they picked they poured it into the mortar that was in front of both of them. The fragrance from the herb filled the room as they picked it off the stems, a peculiarly sweet fragrance bringing smiles upon their faces as they both made the “mmmmmmm….” Sound that characterised their pleasure. When they were through with picking, Annun carefully pushed whatever spill-overs there were into the mortar, every bit of this leaves was precious. On completion, he picked up the pestle, which was lying around the corner all this while and started pushing the leaves into the mortar. 

This was to compress it first before pounding. As he did, the leaves squeezed and became more compact, and even started juicing. He did this till we was satisfied at the compactness, then he proceed to pound gently. Noticing that the sound of the mortar hitting the metal table below made so much sound, he took it to the floor to be more discrete, and changed from pounding to compressing as he sought to make as little noise as possible. After the content of the mortar reached sufficient smoothness he stopped.

Standing up he walked towards another shelve to get a spoon and a plate to remove the content of the mortar, while he searched without finding any, he remembered that he had taken them to the kitchen above so they could be washed. For a moment, he contemplated going up to get the items, but since he was extremely hasty, he thought this a long journey and rushed back to the table. He decided that he would use his hands. Since he had been using the herb and experimenting on it for some time, he had become intuitively conscious of the varying dosages based of visual evidence. 

So he did not need to use any implements to measure. Dividing the herb into two portions, he said to his wife “its ready, the half is for you and the other for me”. Without hesitation the both ingested the herb. While waiting for a reaction, they held unto each other and focused, after a few seconds, the effects started kicking in, and the immediate environment started changing. This brought smiles to their faces as they waited silently for the full effect to take place all this while never relaxing on their focus. Due to the fact that they were married, they could coordinate their minds to act in unison, making the process easier.

As the process went on, their immediate environment started transforming. Around them looked like they were in the middle of the galaxy, specks of light and colour swirled around them, their faces were lit with smiles of satisfaction. They made their request and immediately, not knowing the reason why, they appeared in a strange landscape.

The average height on Nibiru was 8 foot and for some reason the figure 8 meant a lot to them. It was a great misfortune to anyone who had not reached this height, because it would be well know that one’s purity of heart is to be doubted. But on this new landscape that they found themselves on, their height was nothing significant as around them were people who were on an average 15 foot tall making them seem like dwarfs to the people of this land.

This was the planet Ibiza in the Andromeda galaxy a twin to the milky-way galaxy which is Nibiru’s home galaxy. Although the planet Ibiza had an atmosphere of its own it is self lit from the body of the planet rather than from above in an externally lit planet. This is mostly because Ibiza occurs as a planet cluster without a central sun. There are seven planets in the group and they all rotate around the rim of a black hole at the centre of their galaxy, although they are far enough from the centre to avoid being pulled in. this black hole is called the black sun and although it has no illumination, it still stands as a mystery to the more religious factions of the planetary group. 

The people of Ibiza pure golden in complexion as were some of their animals, of which were called the sacred animals. The most prominent was a bull-like mammal four legged and hairless with a golden skin. The other animals had a latex-like flesh for skin and their plants had mostly blue pigmentation, but there were also green plants which had special medicinal purposes. They ate the golden sacred animals ceremoniously to rejuvenate themselves because of the large amount of gold present in them.

Annun and his wife thought they had seen the sowers of the seed. They landed on the streets of one of the great cities in Ibiza, as they stood there they wondered in awe at the beauty and magnificence that their eyes beheld it was too much beyond their imagination. As they stood on the streets shocked and bewildered, a loving couple that were walking on the streets, fondling each other and beaming endless smiles on the streets, apparently walking home, stumbled upon them. 

The Ibizian couple was shocked as much as they were, but being friendly and non-hostile people they decided to take a closer look at these smallings a name they playfully called their children who were of similar size to the Nibiruns. The peculiar thing the Ibizian couple noticed about the Nibiruns apart from their obviously small frame was the dull hue of their skin. Many other Ibizians walking the street also saw these little creatures. Most of them stopped to look while some others continued undisturbed, probably having some other important matters to deal with. But some others stopped and stared, but never got too close as they could clearly see that the couple that stumbled unto the smallings were handling issues.

Due to the fact that Ibizians spoke less and telepathized most of the time it was easy for them to communicate with any specie in the galaxy or any other galaxy because telepathy is a universal language in this our universe. So the female Ibizian bent down to Kishen and spoke audibly in Nibirun, the language of Nibiru. Excited to hear this Kishen hastily replied, telling her that they were lost from their planet and did not know were they were. The Ibizian female, bending down to be sufficiently level headed with Kishen told her to calm down, that everything will be clear if they would follow them home. 

Annun was terrified at their sizes and thought they were inviting them to their home so they could be their dinner. He thought they might have to eat a lot to grow to this height. As his unrest increased it was apparent to the Ibizians that something had to be done, and while he complained furiously to Kishen, the male Ibizian blew some warm air at him, and immediately his thoughts calmed down and he felt safe. From here they led them to their home, as they walked along the streets, everyone stared to their surprise, they had studied their race, the Nibiru race, in simulation but seeing them was all amazing.

As they entered the entered the home of the Ibizian couple which was like a gigantic cathedral to Annun and Kishen, android servants rushed in to assist them to the room where they would be staying. Inside the room, everything seemed to be oversized especially the bed and the mirror. Kishen stared through the gigantic windows at the extremely beautiful landscape of Ibiza. It was a true paradise as compared to what they were used to in Nibiru. The plants were of various shades and colours but were mostly green. The animals were vegetarian and were very gently everything and everyone seemed to be wearing a perpetual smile.

As soon as they were settled, an android came in to take their measurements so that appropriate life support could be synthesized for them. Every household had a matter synthesizer which made any thing they required. It was powered by a gold crystal, therefore making everything out of a combination of gold and water. This made gold and water to be the most valuable material on the whole planet. Space expeditions were launched for the sole purpose of acquiring sufficient gold to serve the entire population. Since they did not eat the used this gold for yearly immersions to rejuvenate themselves. 

They did not have a sun so the illumination of the entire atmosphere was from the body of the planet it self. It radiated and the unique combination of gases in the atmosphere caused the illumination so they had permanent day and no night. Most of the plants rather spread out that grow tall nothing above a few inches of the ground, since majority of their nourishment came from the floor below so there were no trees in the planet.

Annun and Kishen had their room remade in a couple of hours with items that suited their size. And new clothes made of white silk embroidered with diamonds were made for them, they were being treated as royal guests.

There is no concept of money in Ibiza, they shared what ever was gotten equally with all the citizenry according to need. No hoarding; no markets. The people in charge of allocation of resources are called the guardians, they are the oldest amongst the Ibizian population. The population of Ibiza was highly controlled as it was declared by the guardians if there were opportunity for new souls to enter the system. Out of a long discussion analyzing everything possible, the decision would be made and a couple chosen whom would parent the new born. 

It was in no way a controlled system as everyone of the population trusted in the decision of the guardians. While the guardians shared resources there is another group called the collectors, they were raised specially and differently from the rest of the population. While every Ibizian male and female is perfectly fit, this special group of people called the collectors are super built just like body builders. They were chosen before their birth and they came into life fully aware of their purpose and were led accordingly. 

Their bodies were massively strong and they were trained in all the arts and sciences, especially engineering. Their purpose is to scour the universe in search of gold. They were trained like army although generally the Ibizians are very peaceful people, they were not dumb as not to know that there were not-so-nice beings everywhere in the universe so this team of collectors had to be prepared. Although their skin was golden their hair was black. It was a mixed group of both powerful men and women. Their bases were underground, this they choose so that they could be as close to the power source of their planet as possible. They had sophisticated technology which they used to chart the entire available universe and devise varying transportation means to reach where ever they desired.

As it was customary, friendly space visitors were treated to a special ball party at date fixed by the prime councillor, he was the head of two other councillors who were each the head of the guardians and the collectors. Since every Ibizian was linked up telepathically to every other citizen, the presence of Annun and Kishen was known to everyone on the planet including the prime councillor who then relayed a fixed date for the welcome party.

The day finally reached and Annun and Kishen having grown used to their hosts were eager to meet other citizens of their planet. The Ibizian couple were also happy too because they were among the batch of couples selected to bring in a new generation of souls into the system. They were overjoyed for this had been their secret wish for some time to come and finally the chance. Although they were been privately notified telepathically, the news would be broken to everyone on this day. 

The official dress colour for this welcome ball was any shade of blue, violet, purple and white in any beautiful combination. The best design would be chosen and the designer publicly congratulated by the prime councillor himself. All the women worked hard to produce the best garments for themselves and their husbands, and children, if they had any. This is how simple the life on Ibiza is. The main work in making the garment was in imagination. 

Ibizians had the ability to perceive visually what they were imagining instantly in a kind of soft ethereal form, this they did only when necessary so there was no need for television as they could holographically project their thoughts outside their bodies. Everyone had a particular gemstone necklace which was given to them at birth and stayed with them for their entire lifetime. The colour of this gem was determined according to the time in the year they were born. This was like their flash drive as they stored any memory the wanted to preserve externally there, like the design of a new house of apparel. 

All the gems had a glow in them from a light source inside the crystal. They stones were kept in the hall of archives for future generations after the wearer had made his decision to move to another system for a fresh start. Since there was no death only physical whole body transitions to other systems in Andromeda was the option. But some others choose the sleep, which was a method of hibernating for extremely long periods of time. While they hibernated the consciousness would move to the 2nd plane to perform other activities while the body slept. Since there was no day and night, naturally they never needed sleep.

All the designing of the garment for the ball was done with the imagination and as Nibirun host prepared for the ball. Annun and Kishen although elderly on their home planet, were the height of children in Ibiza so their clothes were designed with the funny fact in mind.

After the garment was perfect, it was projected into the matter generator which featured a mirror upon a circular stand. Whatever thought images were projected to it, it would reflect back as a fully solid. The most expensive thing to create was a golden item.

After the clothing was ready everyone freshened up to get dressed. Annun and Kishen were introduced to the immersion in the gold liquid by their host. After the soak, the came out sparkling golden orange, but not as golden as their host, this was super exciting as Kishen couldn’t stop staring at her skin in the mirror. The Ibizians told them they had the genes in them that would enable them take up more gold till they looked exactly like them but they would have to expand those genes. Kishen asked how it could be done but the Ibizian replied saying she would be told how to do it and even helped to do it if after the ball they were accepted by the general population.

It was time for the ball and the Ibizian couple decided to take Annun and Kishen to the holy land. While majority of the population lived on the surface of the planet, a few lived in the interior. Like most planetary bodies in the universe, Ibiza was hollow. The interior is called the holy land, a shortened form for hollow land. This was were their species were preserved in completeness and also the site for the council chambers were certain occasions like this ball were being held. They had a second council chamber on the surface were less important meetings and balls were held, but in this situation they were welcoming a new race, which scans have shown are non-hostile so it was an occasion worthy of the inner chamber of holiness as it is called.

It was of tradition to walk to the tubes, the vacuum tube trains that would take them straight to the council chambers. The walk was very important and even thought the people of the planet could all teleport at will they enjoyed walking and used teleportation only on rare occasion when haste was needed, and their society was slow and content, there was never a need for haste.

Thiers was not the first race to occupy the planet. In earlier times different species had occupied the planet of which some were similar to theirs but in some cases very different. They even once had carnivorous animals. But as the legend that was passed on from generation to generation would say, these were the unstable times, when their planet was still in formation, even though some of these races were very technologically advanced. 

Natural disasters and sometimes war usually tore the surface apart destroying most of what existed there. But ever since their planet was sown by its original seeders from another universe there has always been a select group of beings that were given the knowledge that the original seeders had. They were called keepers of the intent, and most of them worked invisibly by making themselves to not be perceived by eyes. 

With this skill, they worked tirelessly to preserve any current civilization and would pass this knowledge to a select few in every generation and recruit them to do the great work. So that every civilization that had ever stayed on the surface was preserved completely in mini ecosystems in the holy land. Every single detail was preserved in the ecosystem and whatever couldn’t be kept alive for one reason or the other would be preserved in gem stone with the instructions of how to make it come alive in-case any generation wished to utilize that very organism or artifact.

So the holy land was kind of a storage facility of the entire history of the planet. It is only in the current generation that Annun and Kishen met that everyone was allowed to enter the holy land because in the old legend, the seeders left the planet with a message that they would return when everything had come to balance, that is their return would signify the age of balance after which the inner chambers would be open to all.

Annun and Kishen followed their host to the tube, where they were honourably ushered to the most extraordinarily beautiful train their eyes had ever seen, although they had never seen a train before. The word tube was used to signify both the train and the tunnel it passed through to reach the holy land. The tunnel itself was a vacuum which made the train a gigantic sphere float through at incredible speeds without any air resistance. Several of these tube systems were in place at strategic colonies throughout the planet but converged at a central parking district where they could have another ceremonial walk to the main council chamber, a magnificently gigantic geodesic dome.

On arrival at the parking lot, Annun and Kishen could see other Ibizians coming out from their own tubes. Some had arrived before others and began their ceremonial walk to the dome. All these experiences had the Nibiruns opening their mouths in awe, gasping at the incredible beauty all around them. They could already hear cheerings and clappings in the dome, as the mc of the day ushered in guests and treated them to beautiful jokes with had most of them cheering and laughing. Annun and Kishen walked into the dome led by their host and this was when the real excitement started.

Due to security reasons the chancellors were not directly physically visible. They were in an impenetrable chamber made out of materials from the core of a dying star. This material was so solid and so dense, no known civilization in their galaxy could break through as far as they knew. So inside this chamber the chancellors and their aides could view the entire crowd from a holographic display in front of them, while the crown could view them too holographically as giant sized holograms around the entire circular dome. The holograms were directly above them so every one could see the leaders and interact with them. The leaders came into that chamber directly from their residences above via teleportation and they were the only ones with the genetic code that offered access to the chamber along with their aides who were genetically bonded to them but not their children.

An aide is a kind of robot made from the genome of the owner. This give the owner complete telepathic control over the aide. It was kind of an external body to the owner of the aide. So while an owner might be concentrating on his important affairs, the aide saw to more domestic affairs or those that were considered on a lower scale of preference.

After several comedy shows, there was a musical performance by the muse. The most pretty woman in the whole of Ibiza who happened to be the greatest singer. Their music was non lyrical and not solely instrumental. The singer would make sounds that were not intelligible but sounded good and stimulated the energy centres in the bodies of the audience directly. This caused a kind of full body listening which was an experience like non in this planet. The stimulation was so much that some members of the audience would burst out shedding tears silently as they dove deeper and deeper in the ecstasy of her voice. Annun and Kishen could not have this full body experience but to their ears they were hearing what was legendary to their ears. They had a legendary story on their planet that there was music in universe that could kill you if you were not strong enough to listen. As far as they knew this was far more than death. Due to the nature of their bodies they fell into a hypnotic trance as the music smashed through their soul.

The next performance was from team of acrobats the best in the planet. Since the people of Ibiza are non competitive, it did not make sense to have competition in anything. If several people had a talent they came together to form a single group and performed together. If they were more than could perform on a single stage, then they partitioned the group into several batches, increased the size of the performance and split several sections of the performance amongst the batches. The acrobatic team was such a group. Due to their large numbers, the performance was split amongst 7 different groups all performing one part of the entire performance. 

At the end of the acrobatic performance which involved complex movements performed on a microgravity stage, the next show stole the stage, or this time the stage was the whole dome as they watched a holographic movie of an ancient war that once occurred on their planet. Unlike fictional movies, this one was taken directly from the hall of records, a computer that had existed right from the very day the planet was created and has recorded every single event both significant and trivial. This hall of record was made in 4th dimensional matter by the sowers of the seen so it could never be destroyed. It held information about everything that has ever occurred on the planet. 

A special team would view these records and using editing create a documentary. The movies served as a reminder of the horrors of wars and at the end of the movie a pledge was made that never will anything as such ever happen again. Todays own was the bloodiest war that ever took place on their planet, the battle of nihils, during the reign of the nihilian race ruled by the brutal king nihil. It was a racially stimulated war as king nihil tried to exterminate the race of amun, which resisted by staging a counter attack. 

Due to the high level of technology available at the time the very existence of the planet itself was threatened. The commentary of the documentary was done by a surviving member of the nihil race who had been living with other selected few nihils in their own bio dome. Due to the nature of the atmosphere during their reign, the nihils are the shortest race that had ever inhabited Ibiza. They were on average 5 foot tall.

At the end of all the entertainment the message of chancellors was presented to the crown after which Annun and Kishen were officially welcomed. The crowd cheered as they were taken to stage and their images holographically enlarged so that they could be seen by every body. After this Kishen request for her skin colour change was accepted in public, a lot of cheering and clapping went along with this. It was all over and everyone headed for their tubes to head back to the surface.

Back at the home of their hosts Kishen could not wait to have the procedure done. Noticing her anxiety Annun also wished that her desire be granted on time. He was primarily interested in the scientific significance of the process while she couldn’t wait to be golden.

They were taken to a scientific institution that was in charge of producing all their artifacts. There they were taken into the room of light where they would have a whole body irradiation with a kind of violet light that would change their DNA and would allow more gold to be taken up by their cells and displayed on their skin majorly. Since the people of Ibiza were all naturally golden, this technology was usually used to restore skin colour in the case of a disease that usually resulted in discolouration of the skin. This disease was usually contacted on risky space mission and mostly by the collectors who had to adventure far and wide throughout their universe to obtain their main livelihood which was gold.

After the procedure was completed Annun and Kishen emerged in their new image, golden just like their hosts. They were taught a host of other technologies of which was of utter interest to Annun, who listened carefully as the curator of the science establishment carried him through most of their technology.

After all these, it came time for them to leave. They knew how they got here but going back was now the problem that Annun constantly contemplated. But knowing his thoughts the female Ibizian passed on a calming thought to him. And he knew they would find a way back. That night as Annun and Kishen went to sleep they were bade farewell by their hosts and reminded that if they ever wanted to see them, they were just a wish away. As they lay down, the Ibizian hosts waved them back in time and back to their home in Nibiru. They found themselves sitting and holding each other as the entire environment looked like it was when they first took the herb that enabled them visit Andromeda.

Fortunately enough for them, this was a very beneficial type of time travelling. Knowing fully well that if they came back to Nibiru at the very time they fell asleep, they would have been far in the future as Andromeda flows faster in time than the milky way, so they couples in their infinite knowledge waved them back to the time they left Nibiru and that is why it was as if they were starting the journey. Normally it would look like a dream, except that they remembered everything perfectly and they also brought something back, their skin was changed they were golden in complexion.

Kishen’s joy knew no bounds, she thought that she would lose the complexion on coming back to their home planet, but here is she, as golden as the hosts she saw.

Now there was a bigger problem, how would they disclose this to the public? They did not look like anything anyone had seen so how would they convince the people that they did not have some kind of disease. Annun was suddenly downtrodden as he contemplated every possible way of disclosing these happenings. But his wife as confident as ever was in no trouble. She calmed her husband down and told him they had no problem, everyone knew that they were created by a certain group of beings which they called the sowers of the seed, all they needed to tell the populace was that they had seen they sowers of the seed and they gave them a gift which was their complexion and told to rule over every other citizen of their planet.

Annun was quite disturbed at this thought, he never lied and he knew that there were future implications of their actions. What if the original sowers came down to them and found out that they had lied about meeting them? What would become of them? But as all these questions ravaged his mind, his wife calmed him down with a kiss and told him everything would be alright and proceeded to take him to bed to distract him with love making.

The morning after Annun was more confident and ready to face the people. His wife encouraged him that the people would perceive them as messengers from the sowers and thus would not persecute them. They also agreed that they would use the technology they have acquired to better their race.

As they walked the streets of their peasant town, everybody came out to stare at them. They were heading for the market place to make a public speech. Eyes kept on rolling as they walked by with their golden skins. Most of the people started kneeling and bowing their heads down in amazement, the facial outlines they could recognize but the complexion was not like anything they had ever seen on their planet.

At the market stage, which was usually were the comedians would make jokes to entertain the traders and buyers in mid day, Kishen started her speech.

She said: we are the messengers of the sowers, we have seen them in a deep sleep and we are honoured to let you know that you have not been forgotten by your fathers, we come here in peace to let you know that a new era has dawned for our civilization, the era of enlightenment. Join with us as we come together and build according to the word of our fathers.

Throughout this speech Annun kept silence, all he did was bow in agreement. The people on the other hand hearing that the message had come from the sowers, bowed down before them in admittance. The integrity of Annun who was nicknamed the father was in no doubt so they trusted that just as he had brought them so many valuable herbs he would also bring them great development. Although a few doubted this proposal, they decided to try it out hoping that truly the sowers had sanctioned them.

As Annun and Kishen stepped down the stage, there was great applause. They walked down the streets and had flowers spread at them. This was everything Kishen ever wanted, fame and glory, but Annun loving his wife more than life itself decided to play by not particularly enjoying all the publicity and attention they were given.

Back home they had to come up with a viable plan to outstound the people, Kishen was the leader because she initiated everything while her scientifically minded husband just followed orders using his magnificient intelligence to execute.

Her big plan was to build their first city, a mega city, one that will not only accommodate everyone, but give them a higher standard of leaving than they had ever had. This would end their peasant life and bring about more relaxation and enjoyment.

Annun drew up the plan as his wife ordered and he designed a magnificent city similar to what he could remember about Ibiza. The design was beautiful beyond description. At the center of it in the blue print was a design of a huge glass pyramid, which he said would serve as the temple where the sowers would be worshipped.

Back on Ibiza he remembered that he saw a glass pyramidal structure which was used as a greenhouse by the Ibizians to grow their special plants. When asked why the shape he was told that the plants grew better in the pyramid. Using this knowledge and his new found sense of trickery, he suggested to his wife that when the people saw that the plants grew better in the pyramid, they would believe that truly the sowers had given the structure their blessings.

Knowing fully well that he lacked engineers who would execute the project, he decided to copy the androids that he saw on Ibiza. Once completed the would build the city with knowledge that he would encode in them and also other controls that would be transmitted in building the androids he also built a machine, a computer that would aid in the project. He called the spherical computer the omni.

No sooner than it started was the project completed and the city was launched in an elaborate ceremony using holographic entertainment similar to what he had seen in Ibiza. Even those who once doubted him began to believe in him, that he was a true messenger of the sowers.

To crown it all Kishen was pregnant and they were soon expecting a prince.

As the years passed on, he expanded his empire building city after city on all suitable pieces of land, bringing modernization and advancement to his people. Everyone was happy and praised him as a true messenger of the sowers. He was honoured and delighted and threw extravagant shows to entertain the people since this was their only preoccupation as most of them had left their fields to be cultivated by the androids who worked tirelessly and constantly. All they did was merry and merry. Soon Kishen delivered and her son was named Aquari.

Annun and Kishen had forgotten about the people of Ibiza, they wiped their memory of the event clean from their minds and stored in a liquid vase and hid it deep beneath their palace. It was right to store such knowledge their so that they could not beam it in their minds and so no one even themselves would never know about what truly happened. They wanted to truly believe that they were messengers of sowers and never wanted not even their own thoughts to interfere with this feeling.

When the memory was hidden away, they were free from guilt which they knew was as poisonous as any other disease that could wreck the body. Hiding this memory away meant full freedom. But this freedom was about to end as one day in the silence and vastness of Annun’s study he was paid a visit by and old friend, the Ibizian couple.

Annun was shocked to his marrow when he saw the 15 foot image materializing in front of him, he even thought he was hallucinating, but the image grew stronger and stronger till right in front of him were the couples. They knew all that had went on and he and his wife had wiped them away from memory, so they simply infused the memory back in his mind, now even stronger than before. And he fell to his feet weeping. 

The strongest feeling of guilt he ever felt in his life overcame him. Kishen heard him crying from a distance as she was tending the baby. She gave the baby to the maids and rushed to see what was going on with him. Behold, she opened the door and too her greatest surprise she saw the giants. She too was overcome by a strong memory because the vibrations that were in the room were sufficiently strong to cause both of them remember. She rushed towards her husband too bending down to help him as he wept helplessly while kneeling on the floor.

She angrily asked the Ibizians: what do you want? And they replied that they meant no harm to them, they just wondered why the never visited and choose to forget them.

And Kishen now weeping together with her husband, tried to start explaining, but the female Ibizian walked towards her and gave her that calming touch telling her not to bother that they had been watching all along and knew why they never bothered to check.

It was about the city right? The female Ibizian asked. Yes, Kishen replied. We wanted to create a better world for our people so we had to tell them that they met the sowers who had given them all the knowledge they used to build the city.

They Ibizians urged them not to worry, that what they told the people was alright. Annun stopped weeping and looked at them shocked. Are you the sowers? He asked. No, the male Ibizian replied. We are not the sowers but we need something urgently from you people which might require that we are introduced as the sowers of your race.

What would that be? Kishen asked. Well, our planet is dying, the collectors had not found any gold reserves throughout our galaxy, so we started searching in yours, the milky way galaxy and we found out that your planet had 3 moons, which are all gold but we have calculated that we would be needing 2 of your moons to supply most of our planets gold for several generations to come. So we need you to tell your people that we are the sowers and we need their favour.

In exchange we would offer you people more knowledge and several artifacts to further your evolution.

Kishen had no problem at all with their request but Annun was sceptical, he wondered how he would tell the people that their sowers needed gold. It worried him deeply and he searched his powerful mind for a strategy. Meanwhile the Ibizian guests were ushered into a private sanctuary were they would stay while Annun plot out a means to get them their request.


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