Before the Sahara

 About 50, 000 years ago, the area now covered by the Sahara desert was a fertile land which was home to a powerful and successful civilization. The civilization was ruled by an enlightened priest king.

They were the descendants of the people who survived the fall of lemuria. They worshiped the sun and lived in harmony with one another for a very long time.

Their dwellings where in massive cities made of glass-like matter and had a very advanced technology using the spirits of nature.

They were trained magicians and their only education was in Sun magic. They controlled the spirits of nature for good and beneficial purposes. Their farming was done using invisible spirits called elementals. Planting, grooming and harvesting of crops was done by these invisible workers perpetually.

Their architecture, music and art was all inspired and implemented by several classes of spirits. Their building came complete out of thin air and was of materials unknown today of which the closest approximation is glass.

Moving parts machines were unknown because; all their machines were incanted into existence and incanted into action to do the work for which they were invented. Flying machines glided noiselessly through the air, there was no combustion to produce heat using either wood or oil or even the electricity we know today; so the atmosphere was pollution free. Heating was done by summoning the elementals of fire to do their work.

Everything conceivable of doing and things of which we have no idea of because we don’t see the need for them, like adjusting the clouds to provide appropriate shade in areas that did not need sunshine at the moment were all done using the appropriate elementals.

This society was a perfect utopia and no form of chaos existed. The people prospered and lived perpetually in whatever age they chose.

Their buildings were taller, grander and more massive than the most advanced skyscrapers of 2007. These buildings were spoken into existence were fully self supporting in all aspects. The material could be harder than steel or softer than vapor on openings that were doors.

At the middle of the large circular city was a massive glass (as far as I can describe the material) pyramid that pierced the clouds. At its apex was the meditation room of the priest king. This pyramid was the administrative building of the society. From here the entire civilization was ruled.

As the people lived, they got tired of performing their spiritual rites. The people began forgetting their magical words. Temples saw reduced attendance and evil started finding its way into the society.

One day a black magician came in from the savage races of the east. He taught the people the art of black magic in their public places. The people practiced what they were taught and caused disruption in the ethers resulting in the release of a very ancient evil that was bottled up for millions of years. This evil spirit caused much chaos and the lives of the people changed from that of a perfect harmony to something similar to what we have today in 2007.

The spirits of the sun warned the priest-king of the destruction of the civilization by the Sun God should the people not turn away from their evil ways, but despite several warnings, black magic prospered leading to greater darkness in the land. The king, his council and a few righteous people fled the land to the west in the primitive kingdoms of Atlantis.

Exactly seven days from then, after the city was thrown into complete chaos, a very bright comet hotter than the center of the sun came from the heavens and torched up the land. Every single thing: animal, plant, building were vaporized completely leaving a barren piece of sand waste which became known as the Sahara desert.

The king settled in Atlantis and started performing the rituals that were required to prepare the land for a new civilization.


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