
In the not too far future, developments in machine intelligence research led to the development of the algorithm of algorithms. This was the artificial intelligence humanity had been dreaming of up till the current moment. The algorithm that only need to be instructed on what needed to be created and not how it will be created led to a world of abundance, that no utopian writer of the past had ever imagined possible. 
There was abundance of food from fully automated vertical farms; many diseases were being cured or on the verge of being cured from new nanotechnology inspired treatments. And due to large numbers of robots, and innovations in building techonologies large numbers of humanity were being housed in mile high sky scrapers, most times starting from the bottom of the oceans and reaching high up towards the sky.

There were compulsory slum evacuations, and in the beginning when the era of abundance started because of these discoveries, large numbers of the global population was being exterminated in a last stand against all forms of terrorism. With the victory of the allied parties against the terrorist axis, there was peace at last.

Mass global surveillance, with robots that were able to act locally on demand, made it difficult for crime to take place. Humanity finally had to give up their privacy for non-intrusive monitoring from the global government, a computer headed group of the nations of the world, this was the organization the superseded the united nations.

With all these innovations, abundance was finally implemented, with the availability of basic sustenance to the most underserved members of humanity.

It was in this world that basic problem of humanity was choosing amongst the abundance of options available, and for this task, the choosers were recruited.


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