
 And Eni grew tired of the ways of his people, the sphere of Neevru. Their ways were soft and filled with charm. The never hewed nor built great structures out of the ground. Although his mother hewed in a little way herself, it was mere large fences, sometimes thousands of miles long and circular to block in animals from straying away. She also built fairly large houses of stone for her household including his father and his siblings. Although her works were great by the standards of her people, Eni wanted more than this.

He ministered to his father expressing the desire that the people be led to greater domination of the entire sphere of Neevru, but his father simply stroked his horn and confessed that it was the way of his people for millions of years and there was nothing either him nor him Eni could do.

“If you seek greater dominations, among the other spheres of the garden of Yev shall you find them”, and this thought sank in him and he went home restless and never ate for 10 days. 

He thoughts grew deeper and deeper, “how shall I seek the pathway to the wider gardens of Yev?”. “No one of my people has ever gone as far as Amru of the other side of Neevru in 10,000 years and yet I seek further?” The thoughts disturbed him and the he woke from his slumber to seek out his mother, if she shall know any ways out of the sphere of Neevru. 

He was happy on seeing his mother whom he hadn’t seen in years. She was out to the edges of Abru, their own areas, seeking new animals in the desolate places between Abru and Amru. She hoped to secure them a new home in one of her fenced regions for she feed not on them but delighted in the playing and jumping. She had gone with a small team and in their small caravans that rode of the backs of Emulo, she brought back thousands of creatures to provide a home for.

When she was through with dispatching duties to her younger companions, he hand audience of her and she told him that his quest was not impossible, but it was going to be difficult. She told him although their people had not ventured wide enough to see the entire sphere of Neevru and have had only occasional visits from the more venturesome people of Amru, it was possible to go up and out in to the wider gardens of Yev from whence he would obtain all that he sought. 

“There are old tales my son, not necessarily forbidden but forgotten. It was said that earlier, the initial gardeners who farmed out Neevru out of the gardens of Yev had come from some other spheres and they taught the early creation the means of going up and out”. “I do not know of these methods myself but I will take you to a cave of knowledge in the desolate areas between Amru and Abru where and old one who still preserves the knowledge will tell you all you need to know”.

And Eni went home a little bit satisfied that he had been before coming to meet with his mother. And while he slept in a dream he saw a land, swampy and desolate with not even foul or four legged creatures. 

He woke up in the morning disappointed in this vision. Was this how the other spheres of the gardens of Yev looked like. Well, he thought, “if this is what awaits me, then its my destiny. I must accept fully what has been written in the book of my own life”. On this thought he arose the gaze at the golden skies of Neevru. There was no night on this land except on the otherside occupied by the people of the Amru. The area of the Amru was call the dark tail, because here the sky was filled with rocks that tailed out into space like that of on animal. The sky above the Amru was permanently reddish and cast a reddish tint on everything below. On the other hand in the areas that was called the Abru, the sky was always lit with a soft golden light.

As Eni stepped out of the stone castle of his father, built by his mother, he was again welcomed with the sight of the softness and lack of ambition of the people. There was already a flower fair going on, where horticulturist from far and wide brought their plants for display and admiration of others. Eni watched his father delight in this simple things. With a slight disgust in his eyes with a mix of pity he wondered why his father was turned to this things why he was not. He preferred the path of his mother, but this too was too soft for him and it was at that moment that he decided he could no longer tolerate the ways of his people and he would depart to where his mother spent most of her time on her current project. 

She had a house there which she stayed in with the rest of her workers and he would take up their labors with them until his mother was ready to take him to the cave of knowledge where he would know everything that he sought.

He packed his litte belongings and mounted a Miak, one of the beast of burden owned by his people, this was no fast galloping horse but more of a camel, as it was slow and steady. Nothing is his own land proceeded fast. Anyone who desired too much speed was seen as having a problem and taken to a councilor who would reveal his light body to search for imbalances. Although the methods of the councilor was mysterious he usually succeded in “curing” the person of the desire for excessive speed! Eni had succeeded in hiding himself from the prying eyes of this councilor by pretending to not want things to move faster than they did in this land. And since no ones light body was constantly exposed except using the methods of the councilor no one realized that he desired more speed that he outwardly presented to them. 

No sooner had he set out that Eni realized that his beast of burden and its soft galloping was actually disgusting to him. Although the soft galloping was enjoyed by everyone back home, he seemed to be different in every appreciable way. He came down and choose to walk at his normal pace which was too fast for a Miak. He proceeded ahead knowing fully well that Miaks were apt to remember the way of their handler no matter how far ahead he was. 

As he walked, he contemplated the possibilities that lie ahead. When he actually found the method of going above, how long would the journey take? What would it be like? What if he was actually lead to a sphere with far greater dangers than he anticipated? These thoughts filled his head till he was in need of a vision so he layed down to have one. 

People who live on the sphere of Neevru do not sleep! At least in the typical sense that activity is understood as a form of rest. Fully in control of their senses they can choose to shut of anyone or more of them for different purposes. They could willfully shut out their sense of hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling or all of them or some of them selectively. They didn’t need to rest because their sky was permanently bright so they hadn’t evolved the need to sleep. But there was a special activity which most of them go through from time to time, which was called having a vision. In this special activity they would shut of their hearing and seeing completely, and pause their breathing with a single breath and stay in this condition for as long as they need to. Their bodies had a separate mechanism for dealing with the conditions that would normally require a human being to sleep. In this state of having a vision, Eni sat on a heap of grass beside a tree. Usually if he was in the comforts of a home he would lay down on some kind of bed or sofa or even sit on a chair. Since he was outdoors he had to sit while resting his back on the trunk of a tree. The tree was a special tree that could amplify the  clarity of his vision. It wasn’t a tree of wood but much like bronze that grew out of the earth, smooth and metallic. As he saw this tree, the idea of having a vision jumped in on him. 

Sitting cross legged behind this tree, he shut off his seeing and hearing, took one big last gulp of air and entered into the silence. But before totally shutting off his thinking he made a simple demand to Yev, “show me a vision of my destiny”. And with these last thoughts he went completely blank.

A week later he was out of the vision. Since the environment had a permanent golden hue without the interlude of darkness and light to differentiate day and night, the people of Amru had a plant that was their marker of day and night. This small flowering herb was to be found everywhere on this sphere except in the desolate areas where nothing grew. If you are venturing into the desolate area, it would do you well to carry a small flower pot as a time telling device. The flowering and falling of the flowers of this plant was used as a symbol of a passing day. The plant was called an Uyung, literally time in the native language of the people of Amru. The changing of the colors of the leaves was used as an indicator of the change in seasons, and the falling off the leaves was seen as an indicator of a cycle, a year. 

There were 7 seasons indicated by the changing of the color of the leaves of the Uyung plant. It usually took 52 falling off of the flowers or days before the leaves of the Uyung changed color indicating a change in season. And after all the changes the leaves fell indicating the end of the cycle, which took approximately 364 flowerings and falling off of flowers. This 364 day cycle enabled them differentiate the years.

Slightly disappointed from the vision he had because it was below his expectations, he began contemplating the relevance of his quest. In the vision he was revealed the lands on one of the spheres of Yev and it was not encouraging. Nothing like he expected. He hesitated and rested on the spot and couldn’t find the limb to continue his quest. Should he return back home? He contemplated. He knew that was it was unthinkable to return. Should he decide to do greater works with his mother? Will she welcome his ambition? All these thoughts seem to flash rapidly across his mind. He knew that even though his mother was more ambitious than his father she could be overwhelmed by his. He didn’t want to build animal fences, that was not stimulating enough to him, he wanted to hew great structures out of the ground. 

There was nothing he could do but proceed towards his initial goal. He got up, willed himself forward and continued his journey. He decided he would follow the goal to wherever it would take and face any conditions that beset about him. 


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