The 7th Race

 10 million years after the judgment day, the time has come for humanity to be abstracted completely from the physical plane, the 7th plane, to the 6th plane, the astral plane or the plane of dreams; after existing for more than a million years in etheric matter, a substance of the physical plane but subtle. The judgment day had wiped out exactly two third of the human race resident on earth, of course during the exodus just before the judgment day, a large population of human beings migrated to form colonies in the nearby planets of Mars and Venus while others went to other star systems far out in our galaxy and of course other galaxies.

Those left behind on earth were the cream of humanity, the perfect ones. They were to stay back to reach perfection, they were those who where to stay immortal until the last root race, the 7th.

Just as those above the ground had reached perfection, whose ultimate destiny was to leave the physical plane completely into a subtler plane; those who dwell in the bowels of the earth, those whose residence is below the deepest caves humanity could explore where also ready to achieve their own destiny, to takeover the upper worlds below the sun and to exterminate every single inhabitant. 

If things went on as planned by the all good, recognized by both races, everything would have worked out well. The cave dwellers would have risen to meet a paradise void of human beings, who would have left the 7th plane for the 6th. But some members of the red race, as the cave dwellers are called, were a little too anxious to see the light of day after millions of years spent waiting for it.

The idea of a world with natural lighting from the stars was a legend to the red race until a member of the human race fell down to their world to let them know it was no legend but reality. The leaders of the race from then on educated their people about the truth of the legend and of the fact that those who live under the sun had the same origins with them and that both race had separated at the time when the land above was shattered into smaller pieces of land which those above called continents. They also told their people that their destiny was to, at a fixed time in the future, leave their home for the land above and that doing so would require the extermination those who inhabit it to avoid the possible adulteration of their race.

A young member of the red race was the most impatient one; the date of ascension seemed just so far away so he decided to make his own private plan to make the ascension at an earlier date than that planned by the elder ones.

Humanity in the 7th sub race of the 7th root race was very much different from what it looked like in 2007 the year of this writing. Evolution had turned the dense human form into a translucent one. Every human being floated like fairies in the air and shone brilliantly as if there were fluorescent light bulbs in them. Their internal organs where much different because ingestion of organic food had ended millennia ago, and was also very visible and glowed with an intense golden white light. These internal organs served a different purpose than digestion and circulation.

The floor of the earth was left for the lower animals and plants, of which entirely new species were naturally evolved or artificially created. Some of the animals even looked like what humans looked like in 2050. The human race built their habitation high above the tallest mountains in cities which floated above the clouds and whose buildings were of the same nature as their bodies, translucent golden color and glowing with light; everywhere was filled with radiant colors which were a result of the kaleidoscopic effect the building had when light semi reflected through it. They lived in a perfect society where everything was in harmony and naught in discord.

The cave dwellers on the other hand had become denser, almost completely metallic. Their cities where cut out of pure rock and they also lived in harmony like their counterparts above the ground. They lived in colonies of fixed numbers organized like small villages. Some colonies were more prosperous than others and also some had lasted several millennia while others where just a few years old. But every colony had mastered basic science and just continued from where the parent colony stopped. Information was freely shared about new inventions between colonies so there was no gap in technological advancement between the colonies and pure competition was unknown.

The basic similarity between both races is that they had mastered a primary substance of which their sustenance and existence depended on. Those below mastered a substance, if substance is what you call it, called vril. In mild applications, it was used to heal and extend life but in extreme applications it vaporized anything in its line of sight. On the other hand those who lived above the ground, the human race not the animals that walked the surface, had also mastered a primary substance, agni. Agni similar to vril was also the basic life substance of the human race unlike vril focusing was not an issue and high concentration was not harmful to those whose bodies where tuned to it but would be extremely destructive to anything of lower quality or high density.

The date for the ascension of the red race was fixed prematurely by a colony ruled by a young ambitious leader. They planned secretly unknown to the senior colonies and gathered other like minded beings from other colonies that would form the army to invade the upper worlds.

The lands of surface below the sun were filled with the human-like animals, although of the same mentality like human beings in 2050 where much intelligent and highly evolved. Most of them were the products of natural evolution while others where genetically engineered by the human beings.

The plan was to blow a hole the size of Europe, using the vril, above their subterranean caves so they could ascend to destroy from that point, the whole of humanity. So on the dday, they did just that. Using their vril guns, they vaporized the roof of their caves and came out like a swarm of bees wrecking devastation as they proceeded. What they destroyed where not human beings, but the lower animals of the surface as they did not know that humans had left the surface millions of years ago. But still they gradually vaporized every moving creature they saw from the air crafts.

War was completely unknown to the human race and could only be found in historical archives that contained the history of their race and all its struggles. But being super intelligent they could formulate any plan in minutes, according to need. Observing the devastation going on below the humans knew that if something was not done urgently, those who resided on the surface would be wiped out. And since it was their obligation to protect those on the surface they quickly moved to intervene.

A plan was setup by the human beings and a few young people were organized to intervene with the situation below. The plan was to beam some Agni from the sun through the etheric matter in proportions that were just enough to destroy anything of a particular density. With some sensors they were able to know the density of the bodies of the red race so they could gauge their Agni usage.

The limitations of the red race was that vril needed to be focused within an area determined by the strength of will of the individual using it, and due to the fact that the colony that started the invasion, 1000 years before the real date, was made up of people who were not so skilled in vril usage like the older colonies, their focus size was small and so they could not destroy as much entities as they would should the whole of the red race came out to war.

The humans calculated the area were devastation was occurring and sent a small army to agnify the place. In a single application of Agni, all the member of the red race that came out was vaporized. The humans now proceeded into the cave which was already exposed with the hole the red race member blasted through. An advantage the humans had over the red race was that they were not visible to the members of the red race since they could not see on etheric levels.

As the humans proceeded into the cave, they destroyed the colony immediately below the hole and proceeded to destroy other packets or resistance around the main entry. As they proceeded they found a colony just some miles away from the first one, but they were going on with their activities peacefully and were not in any way prepared for war. It then dawned on the humans that this invasion was carried on by a single group and not the entire race. With this the humans stopped their rage.

The head colony had noticed that some of their race member had broken the law and had invaded the humans before time so they sought means to meet with the humans. The humans had searched for any sign of war in the cave civilizations and found out that everything was peaceful and fine. So they decided to retreat back to the surface.

As they reached the surface the found some members the red race rising out, they being invisible to them watched them carefully for any sign destruction so they could intervene. The members of the red race that made their way up were mostly elderly and they were in no way prepared for war so they followed them invisibly and waited.

The elderly member of the red race, seven in number came out and just stood there looking at the devastation their other members had caused. When the humans were fully convinced that this was a peaceful move they appeared in front of the elders asking what they seek.

Communicating in the ancient Sanskrit language, the language they once shared with the humans, they told the humans they were in for peace and they now knew that the legend was true, they would one day inherit the earth from the humans but the all good had timed it in such a way that it would be a smooth take over not requiring battle, but the method anticipated by the red race was wrong.

A treaty was signed and the humans said the red race could inhabit the earth with the animals and plants and would do no harm to them. Everything was agreed and from thence members of the red race; the humans and plants and animals coexisted. The date of ascension was cancelled and all races could explore all parts of the earth.

It was peace but how long would this peace last? A century; A millennium; Know one but the all good knows, only it knows the purpose for the which the earth was created.








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