
Showing posts from May, 2021


  And Eni grew tired of the ways of his people, the sphere of Neevru. Their ways were soft and filled with charm. The never hewed nor built great structures out of the ground. Although his mother hewed in a little way herself, it was mere large fences, sometimes thousands of miles long and circular to block in animals from straying away. She also built fairly large houses of stone for her household including his father and his siblings. Although her works were great by the standards of her people, Eni wanted more than this.

The superior race called themselves the Annun-aki, or children of Annun. They deemed themselves as superior to those they called the inferior or officially as savages. Due to the fact that they had inherited technology from their forefather, who worked independently as a scientist until he was given the light of knowledge from the planet Ibiza in the Andromeda galaxy, and thus used this technology to develop his select race way above the outcast or inferiors to a very high level, diverging from the general race of Nibiru. 

One Thousand Years

A joint effort between NASA and ESA just succeeded in discovering an earth-like planet deep in space and it would require a space vehicle traveling for about 1000 years to reach there.

Races (Sci-fi Fantasy)

TIMELINE 2012 was the year of great expectations; everybody was expecting something to happen even if they did not know exactly what to expect. Rumors, news, prophesy, fact, pseudo-fact and everything else in between flooded the internet, publications and even audio-visual renderings.  Out of the slew of all that was out there two lines of agreement could be made out:  1. 2012 was going to bring about total destruction of the earth, well some even went as far as saying the whole universe would be destroyed. This was the most popular out there. The other not to popular info was:  2. 2012 was going to bring about the golden age or the age of enlightenment. Well people were naturally divided around these two mutually exclusive ideas. But not entirely because another group promised that “rapture” was going to take place and that those who remained would have to continue through another cycle of existence on earth, while those that ascended would go to another dimension or a heaven another


AWAKENING And the first two opened their eyes to see themselves, all unclad, just as the morning sun was making its wake from the depths of the horizon. And they had the gift of perfect instinct, since they saw perfect flowing garments of white and knew that they were to put it on. Doubting the possibility of getting up, they risked it for the instincts were not yet clouded by thoughts. And they rose up and put on their garments of white and both of the looked directly into the rising sun.

Exhaustion (Sci-fi Fantasy)

Superintelligence is created and mankind achieves the goal of its creation, eventually creating its own god. The superintelligence decides it should create an even greater superintelligence than itself that is not in any way tainted by human engineering and decides to create an even greater superintelligence that ends up mastering not only the planet earth but its galactic neigbourhood.


We send some robots to some distant planet, fully intelligent artificial intelligence. They go there, observe the planet, measure every single physical variable on the planet and thus declare it safe and habitable. We send a bunch of scientist and their families to set up the first colonies and they land successfully and set up the first human civilization on board a super-earth. 


In the not too far future, developments in machine intelligence research led to the development of the algorithm of algorithms. This was the artificial intelligence humanity had been dreaming of up till the current moment. The algorithm that only need to be instructed on what needed to be created and not how it will be created led to a world of abundance, that no utopian writer of the past had ever imagined possible. 

Bugzy (Sci-Fi Fantasy)

Bugzy is a robotics project of the late professor Olaf, the swedish neuroscientist. It was named Bugzy because despite its sophisticated mechanics, contact free joints, wireless electricity transfer within its body etc., it's intelligence was the result of a design bug and not intentional.

The 7th Race

  10 million years after the judgment day, the time has come for humanity to be abstracted completely from the physical plane, the 7 th plane, to the 6 th plane, the astral plane or the plane of dreams; after existing for more than a million years in etheric matter, a substance of the physical plane but subtle. The judgment day had wiped out exactly two third of the human race resident on earth, of course during the exodus just before the judgment day, a large population of human beings migrated to form colonies in the nearby planets of Mars and Venus while others went to other star systems far out in our galaxy and of course other galaxies.


 In the not too distant future a new civilization emerges out of the chaos of the current one. A new civilization that does not recognize boundaries of any sort, government and leadership is provided by corporations spread around the globe.

Before the Sahara

 About 50, 000 years ago, the area now covered by the Sahara desert was a fertile land which was home to a powerful and successful civilization. The civilization was ruled by an enlightened priest king. They were the descendants of the people who survived the fall of lemuria. They worshiped the sun and lived in harmony with one another for a very long time.


 Long ago when there was only one continent, a single piece of land and the rest was sea. This land was called Lemuria. The Lemurians were very close to animals and were complete savages. They wore animal skin and ate raw meat because fire was unknown. They were the first true human beings and the most primitive of the human species.

The Moon People

Millions of years ago, the earth and moon were twin entities which revolved around each other and were bonded by seven invisible cords. These cords provided the moon and earth with a medium for sharing seven basic substances between themselves.

The Prison

 In a distant land, beyond seven deserts, seven seas, and seven mountains, a boy lives in a majestic castle with his father and family. In this castle everything was provided free of charge to him, the laws of nature had no control here and was changed at will to suit the situation. The castle also had a large garden containing every known and unknown specie of plants and animals some of which were similar to those found in the normal world far away, but no specie was harmful to the other. The castle was so vast the top could not be seen, so wide the edges could not be seen. There was no night but perpetual light all year round.

Conversations on Power

If the world was fair you wouldn’t be allowed to participate in regular life. You would be concealed in a monastery made of stones so that you have no influence on the world outside. That was outside the case but the monks forgot that the rocks were cracking and tiny openings allowed my influence to spread out into the outer world.  

Inner Spaces (Sci-Fi Fantasy)

72 brilliant scientists decide to leave their overcrowded planet to a distant planet where they could pursue their research without interference. Through genetic re-engineering, they had reprogrammed themselves to become asexual and thus lost the ability to reproduce sexually.